Tag: Naples Noteworthy
Cheri Dunnigan: A Leader in the Contemporary Jewelry Design Movement
When you first see a Cheri Dunnigan piece of jewelry, you know you’ve stumbled across something important. This isn’t just… read more Cheri Dunnigan: A Leader in the Contemporary Jewelry Design Movement
From the Editor
After seven years in hiatus, it’s good to be back again. We made the decision to relaunch Naples Noteworthy because… read more From the Editor
Sheena Brook–November
In November, our special double feature begins with the spotlight on musician Sheena Brook.
Kathleen Kinkopf–January
In January, Naples Noteworthy will feature artist Kathleen Kinkopf, whose fantastic, dreamlike art in the style of magical realism has… read more Kathleen Kinkopf–January
About Our Archives
Due to unfortunate data loss, we do not have access to our past features for Naples Noteworthy–those before 2019. However,… read more About Our Archives
Naples Noteworthy Features & Awards Listing
These are the people who have been featured in Naples Noteworthy–all of them, I think you will agree, are extraordinary… read more Naples Noteworthy Features & Awards Listing